Business Plan Reflection

1) The most interesting part of the business plan was filming.

2) The most difficult part of the business plan was working on the script.

3) What our group did well was working together.

4) What our group could have improved was showing confidence.

5) Suggestions for me or American Savings on how the project could have been more effective is showing more talent.


Reason I Chose My Product

1) How does your product differ from what is already out there? What makes it unique?

Our product is differ from what is already out there because you dont need to have another phone to use the “Find My iPhone”  you can just touch a button and it talk to you where to go. it makes it unique because its a jewlery and its just right there on the braclete.

2) Why did you choose your product?  Does it fill a personal need or is it something that you are good at/interested in?

We chose this product because people keeps losing there phones.


Cool New Products

1: Why was the product appealing?

  • The product Mr Clean is appealing because it cleans really dirty messes.


Who would purchase it?

  • The people who would purchase it is ones who cooks all the time or didnt clean something for a long time and its all yuck or the kids wrote on the wall or made mud on the walls or floors.

How much do you think you would pay for it?


  • I think I would pay about 2 – 3 dollars.

How much would it cost to make?

  • It would cost about 4-6 dollars.